Environmental Department

ABCG is committed to provide the Engineering market in Egypt with quality services and advanced up-to-date technologies. The Environmental Department provides state-of-the-art technical services in the fields of: Environmental risk and impact assessment, solid and hazardous waste system planning, remedial investigation, design of solid waste facilities, storm water management, design of sanitary systems, soil erosion, modeling contaminant transport and soil remedy and design of water supply and distribution systems. An over view of ABCG Environmental activities are listed below:

• Analysis of Infiltration-Inflow to sewer systems,
• Sewer System Evaluation Survey,
• Sewage Treatment Plant Design and plant sizing recommendations,
• Sewage Treatment alternative analysis,
• Design of sewer collection systems,
• Stream water quality,
• Groundwater quality and quantity,
• Flood control systems and management.
• Design of landfills
• Hazard Waste management,
• Water distribution systems,
• Environmental instrumentation.
• Soil erosion,
• Water seepage and deep percolation.
  In house Capabilities:
Engineering Software:

Our staff is highly trained on many related computer software such as:
FLOWD State of the art ground water quality and quantity, two and three dimensional computer model.
EPA:SWMM Storm Water Management Model; State of the art Environmental Protection Agency approved model for design and analysis of sanitary and storm systems; Model stream water quality and quantity.
ANSWER United States Agricultural Department model for soil erosion and stream water quality.
AGNSP A comprehensive watershed soil erosion model.
HEC-1 United States Corps of Engineer flood control model
AUTOCAD Software to generate all Geotechnical and environmental drawings.
MODFLOW State of the art program developed by the U.S. army Corps of Engineers.

Computer Facilities:

Ten personal computers.
Three laser printers.
Colored inkjet printer.
Colored flat bed scanner.
Colored A0 size inkjet plotter.